Season 4: Episode 8: Exploring the Untapped Potential of Physical Products in Your Therapy Business with Monica Little
Many therapists and health professionals naturally gravitate towards coaching, workshops, and programs as they transition beyond the therapy chair. However, it’s important not to overlook other avenues, such as creating physical products, to expand their offerings and generate income.
In this episode, we delve into the world of physical products – specifically, we discuss the potential of creating physical products as a means to diversify income and provide additional value to clients. Join us as we welcome Monica Little, a coach for product business owners, who shares her journey and expertise in building a successful multiple-six-figure organic skincare business. Discover valuable insights on developing, selling, and scaling physical products, as well as strategies for finding the right avenues to reach your dream clients.
Get In Touch with Monica Little
Instagram |@monicalittlecoaching
Or watch the free webinar – How to Get Your Products Seen on Etsy
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