Season 4: Episode 18: [Unmasked Monthly Musing] Breaking the Taboo: The Power of Bragging for Therapists
Welcome back to the latest installment of our VERY popular Unmasked Monthly Musing segment! In today’s episode, we’re exploring the power of bragging and celebrating success. Last month’s episode sparked an overwhelming response, highlighting the need to create a safe space to discuss important industry issues.
Let me share a transformative event that led to self-reflection. At a mastermind retreat focused on self-development, I encountered a phrase, “Well Bragged,” that triggered me. It made me realize how societal conditioning discourages self-promotion and celebrating achievements.
As therapists, we struggle with celebrating ourselves and each other. It’s time to change that narrative. Let’s foster a supportive and collaborative environment by bragging about each other’s successes and building our identity capital.
Here’s a call to action:
- Celebrate Your Peers: Publicly acknowledge your colleagues’ accomplishments.
- Create a Brag Book: Write down your achievements regularly to challenge your inner critic.
- Brag About Yourself: Join the social post where we’ll celebrate our accomplishments together.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
PS: Did you hear the news?
Next month, I will be joining 14 other experts to share some invaluable tips on overcoming impostor syndrome and unleashing your true potential during the “From Saboteur to Success Summit”! And the best part? IT’S FREE!
To grab your free ticket head here and register now, and I will see you there!
Have you taken our brand new and FREE quiz Discover Your Therapist Archetype? Complete with personalised results and your next career steps, take the quiz here!
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