Season 4: Episode 15: The Future of Psychology with Dr. Bronwyn Milkins
If you’re a therapist who has ever felt disillusioned or fed up with the system, then this episode is for you! Today, Hayley is joined by Dr. Bronwyn Milkins, an inspiring and fiery early career psychologist, host of the Mental Work podcast, and fierce advocate for innovation and progress in the mental health field.
When Bronwyn isn’t busy seeing 1:1 clients in her clinical practice, you’ll find her speaking out about the injustices and harms of the system in order to help her fellow early-career therapists unpack the everyday challenges they face, so they don’t have to go it alone.
Given Hayley’s own experiences of burnout working as a psych, this conversation is extremely close to her heart.
Here are just some of the juicy topics Bronwyn and Hayley explored:
– Harmful supervision experiences and unethical workplace practices
– The need for a more diverse psych workforce in terms of race, gender, socioeconomic background, and neurodiversity
– The need for outdated professional beliefs and norms to be challenged within the field of psychology
– The ethics (or lack thereof) of provisional psychologists being used as free labour, and the need to make it more financially viable for workplaces to host students
– The lack of collegiality and support in the field, and the need for community that many psychs are craving and desperately needing.
And lots lots more.
This is the kind of podcast conversation that you’re going to want to chat with your industry friends about, so be sure to pass the link on to them! And please, don’t forget to give the show a rating and subscribe so we can reach more therapists, just like you!
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