Questions to Consider BEFORE Moving Away From Being a Therapist/Health Professional, and Diversifying Your Work and Income
So you’re a Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Nurse (or any kind of Therapist or Health Professional in between) who’s considering moving away from the ‘Therapy Chair’ and towards entrepreneurship…
As people who have been there and done that, and come out the other side thriving, overflowing with career contentment and feeling more alive than ever before … we are beyond excited for you!
But we know that transitioning from where you are, to where you want to be, is a big step filled with lots of questions and considerations.
We’re here today to help you gain clarity and decide, once and for all, if moving away from the clinical space (even just part time!) is for you.
We’ve collated a list of questions for you to ponder, to guide your way forward.
Let’s dive in!
How do you want to feel in your work and career?
- Calm?
- Inspired?
- Aligned?
- Creative?
- Abundant?
- Fulfilled?
Grab yourself a pen and piece of paper, and write it down!
Then consider – does how you’re currently working support you to feel this way?
Many of us have been taught to believe that it’s normal for our work to make us feel exhausted/burnt out/stressed/uninspired/etc….
But this is only one path (and the least desirable path in our opinion!)
Something we discovered early on in our journey of diversifying our incomes is that our work can feel really really good, and ‘fill our cups’ in all the right ways.
The wonderful thing about entrepreneurship is that YOU get to make your own rules…
And YOU get to design a business that supports you to feel exactly how you want to.
If how you’re currently working isn’t making you feel the way you desire, then diversifying your work may well be the right path for you!
Are you willing to put in the work, and be the Captain of your future?
Like any new path we choose to walk in this life, it requires us to put in effort…
And when you say ‘yes’ to moving away from the ‘Therapy Chair’ you need to be prepared to put in said effort.
In saying this, the great thing about transitioning from Therapist/Health Professional to entrepreneur is that you can take all of your education, training and skills … and infuse them into your new career path!
Rather than being a complete career upheaval, it’s instead a gentle pivot (if you’re clever about it!)
Your future can be exactly what you want it to be, but it will ask you to step up before it will take you there.
While we may not always feel ‘ready’, and while fear and self doubt may be walking beside us, all we have to do to begin is dive in and say ‘YES’ to our dreams.
If you know in your heart-of-hearts that now is your time (even if there is a tinge of – very normal – trepidation present!), then it may well be your perfect time to take the leap.
Are you ready to put yourself outside your comfort zone?
Entrepreneurship will take you on one of the most wild and expansive journeys of your life, and ask you to own your gifts, shine your light and be seen, more than ever before…
And in all honesty, this can feel uncomfortable.
BUT as with all things in life, the gifts that await you beyond your comfort zone are oh-so-worth it.
On the other side of yours?
- Financial abundance
- More time with your loved ones
- Space to follow your interests and creative pursuits
- Holidays (!!!)
- A bigger impact in this world
- And so so much more.
If you’re ready to call in everything you desire, and sit with and be kind to the very normal discomforts that are likely to arise as you do so, then yes, yes, yes, we think you’re ready to walk the path of diversification, friend!
Do you have a financial plan in place?
Want to know one thing that’s guaranteed to ‘kill’ your budding business?
Yep, we see it time and time again with entrepreneurs who put all their eggs in one basket and an undue amount of pressure on their business to not only succeed – but succeed yesterday…
They are the least likely to get to where they want to be and their journey to get there feels stressful (work can and should feel fun!)
Are we saying you need to have tens of thousands of ‘spare’ dollars sitting in your bank account before you should take the leap?
What we are saying though is that it can help to have a plan, a buffer, or another stream of income in place (even if it’s a limited stream that supports you to pay your bare minimum expenses) so you’re not bringing an energy of pressure to your new business.
Feel like you’re good to go in this area? Awesome, your diversification green light is shining!
Do you have a mentor or coach?
While having a mentor or a coach isn’t essential, it will help to give you an ever greater chance at success especially if that person has walked the same path and come out the other side thriving.
Running a business requires a set of knowledge and skills that many Therapists/Entrepreneurs haven’t been taught…
And while you may have an epic vision and idea for an offering, it can be helpful to get support to put the foundations and strategies in place to help you succeed more easefully and easily.
If you’re on the lookout for an expert guide, you can find out more about our 1:1 coaching here and our group program here.
Above all else, our biggest piece of advice is to tune inwards and ask yourself what you deeply desire for your future.
We’re only given this one precious life and if you’re anything like us you want to live it to its fullest; work in a career that nourishes you, inspires you and generously supports you financially; and enjoy yourself outside of what you do.
If you do decide that walking the path of diversification is for you, then know that we are here cheering you on…
And if you feel called to be surrounded by like-minded humans who are also contemplating diversifying their careers (and those who already have!), then come on over and join our free Therapists Rising Facebook community here.
It’s a private and safe space for you to ask questions, be inspired and get the support you need to realise your dreams.
The Therapists Rising team. X