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Learn our proven blueprint to repackage your clinical skills into an online program, reduce your 1:1 caseload, and add 5 figures to your income.

Learn our proven steps, created by therapists, for therapists...

The Incubator

We begin on the 26th of August, 2024

It’s an undeniable fact that working 1:1 from the Therapy Chair limits your income, impact, time and freedom.

And that maintaining a steady caseload of 1:1 clients, especially during difficult economic times, can create a huge amount of worry and stress.  


For many therapists, being of service in this way is unsustainable, and detrimental to their health, happiness and wellbeing.


With rates of disillusionment and burn out at an all time high and the cost of living rapidly rising, therapists from across the globe are exploring diversifying their income, reaching more people and increasing accessibility, with online programs.


And do you know what they’ve also unexpectedly discovered along the way? A level of career fulfilment and inspiration they haven’t felt in years.

Online programs are the perfect solution for therapists who want to set themselves and their families up for long term financial stability and success, all while still being of service and deeply transforming people’s lives.

Here’s why…
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More and more people are seeking out affordable support online. In fact, the online program industry is set to grow from 400 billion to 1 TRILLION USD by 2032


Your clinical training, skills and experience translate seamlessly into online programs

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They can be run again and again (with no cap on the # of participants and your profits)


Passive income, side hustle, part time or full time - you get to choose

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Additional income streams = taking control of your financial future and withstanding economic storms


Create yours in a way that aligns with your working preferences and lifestyle goals. Bye, burnout!

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“I want to create an online program, but I don’t know where to start.”

👆🏽 This is the #1 barrier we hear from therapists who are ready to explore repackaging their clinical skills and experience into an online program.

The great news is that once you know the steps, and have support and accountability to guide you through them, taking action is easy.

The Incubator gives you the exact steps and online program blueprint that Dr. Hayley has perfected over the last decade, and breaks down every. single. step. in easy to digest and actionable chunks, from start to finish.

No more faffing about, hitting dead ends, making excuses and putting your dreams on hold. Together, we will take intentional action and start getting your online program created

“My first launch after The Incubator was five-figures. My second launch had 750 people registered and just tipped over six figures. Now, we're aiming for a $250,000 launch with 1,600 registrants”

- Kerry

“Before The Incubator I was working myself into the ground. Since then I’ve closed my 1:1 practice and now get to focus on what I’ve really wanted to do for the longest time - running an online program for patients who have had a diagnosis of cancer”

- Michelle

"The Incubator has made me feel more professional and strategic. I now have a solid roadmap to get me where I want to go. I'm more strategic in what I decide to give my time and energy to, and I feel like I know the steps I need to take”

- Lauren

"The Incubator has opened the door to an additional career path. It's a completely new way of utilising my skills, my creativity, and finding ways to service the people I'm most passionate about helping. My upcoming webinar has over 600 registrants, which is incredible”

- Nicole
8 weeks to a more profitable, sustainable and enjoyable way of working.

The Incubator is a 8-week online group program that walks you through our proven-to-work SUCCESS Path framework, and teaches you everything you need to know to create and run a successful and profitable online program as a therapist.

From coming up with a successful topic and writing your curriculum, all the way through to selling your online program - we have you covered.

Our tried-and-tested framework took our Founder and fellow Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Hayley Kelly, from burnt-out and financially struggling, to energised and earning multi-6-figures through online programs, in just 18 months.

Whether you’re new to running online programs, want to revive an online program that hasn’t sold well in the past, or increase the success of one you already run, The Incubator is for you.

Repackage your clinical skills and use our step-by-step blueprint to move from…

Trading hours for money 👉🏽 An uncapped income

Only offering expensive 1:1 support 👉🏽 creating a lower cost support option

Feeling disconnected from your loved ones 👉🏽 More time and energy to connect

Being tied to an office 👉🏽 Being location independent

Little to no work-life balance 👉🏽 A rich life away from work

Serving 1 person at a time 👉🏽 Impacting thousands of lives

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Hear how The Incubator has changed therapist’s lives

(and could change yours too!)

Michelle Davey
Tiffany Rochester
Kerry Evetts
Vicky Stewart

Wondering what on Earth you could create a profitable online program about?

Here’s some inspiration from our past Incubator students:
  • Supporting separated parents to co-parent more effectively and harmoniously
  • Helping workplaces improve their diversity and inclusion practices
  • Supporting therapists to integrate spirituality into their work and personal lives
  • Creating sustainable work practices for therapists
  • Perimenopause and menopause education and support
  • Thriving in mid-life
  • Supporting people who live with fear of cancer recurrence.

No matter your area of personal and/or professional interest, skills or experience, there is a niche for you to tap into and diversify your income with, therapist!

And don’t worry if you’re clueless and starting from step one! You bring your big dreams, drive and determination, and we’ll help you come up with a winning idea. We’re in this together!

Hi, I’m your Incubator guide and fellow therapist,

Dr. Hayley Kelly
Multi-award winning clinical psychologist and business coach
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Creator and host of the #1 rated Apple podcast, Therapists Rising
Sought after keynote speaker

I have more than a decade of experience as a Clinical Psychologist, hold both a PhD and Masters, and am a professional Coach accredited by the ICF. (Fun fact: prior to my ‘psych life’ I worked extensively in marketing and sales!)

While I had a very successful career as a Clinical Psychologist, it was an unsustainable one...

👉🏽 Financially, I’d hit a ceiling in my earnings because I was working as many hours in a week as I could (yet was living pay cheque to pay cheque and barely making ends meet)

👉🏽 As a mum and wife, I was time and energy poor

👉🏽 As someone who was dedicated to deeply impacting people’s lives, I felt like the mental health system only allowed me to ‘put out fires’ and offer ‘band-aid’ solutions, and I grew increasingly disgruntled by the high costs consumers had to pay to access care.

And so I learned how to take all my years of passion, experience, skills and training, step outside the traditional ‘Therapist Box’ and create an online program - and I haven’t looked back since.

Combining my years of clinical expertise with my background in marketing and sales, I've spent the last 12 years creating and selling online programs. These programs have not only increased my income but also allowed me to impact more lives, enjoy extended time with my family, and gain the freedom to design my days.

The Incubator will hand you the blueprint that I used to go from struggling therapist to making over a million dollars, and being happier and healthier than ever in both my work and personal life.

My proven path isn't just designed to help you create an additional income stream - it will give you the freedom to work and live life on your terms and serve your clients in a way that feels truly fulfilling and meaningful.

“My intention for joining The Incubator was to create a group program. Mission accomplished! I highly recommend The Incubator. The team is amazing and the community is next level”
- Rebecca
“My first online program brought in five figures of revenue. I’ve also been able to cut back my clinical work from 4 days a week to just 1 day a week”
- Vicky
"I’m now able to serve more people, more efficiently and effectively than ever before, and offer my services to people at 6% of what it would have cost them to see me in 1:1 therapy. Plus, I’m blasting through my revenue targets"
- Tiff

During your 8-week Incubator journey you’ll receive:

Weekly teachings to simplify and speed up for your online program creation

My 10+ years of experience creating successful online programs as a therapist, distilled into short and digestible teachings.

Pre-recorded, these teachings can be tuned into at any time - in the car, on your morning walk, at the gym or while you’re getting the kid’s lunches ready - so you can fit them in, and work towards your goals, around your busy schedule.

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Plus, these epic bonuses!

Bonus #1

Weekly coaching calls with me, Dr. Hayley Kelly

These weekly group calls are your opportunity to pick the brains of a therapist turned successful multi 6-figure online program creator and ask me anything-and-everything related to evolving beyond the 1:1 ‘Therapy Chair’ with an online program.

Wherever your business and online program need us to go, so they can grow, we will. 

Can't make it live? No worries! These group calls will be recorded so you can watch them anywhere and at any time!

Bonus #2

Weekly mentor calls with our coaching faculty or alumni

These weekly group calls are a space for you to receive mentoring, feedback and advice from the fellow therapists turned successful online program creators.

These mentoring sessions have helped our students create MASSIVE momentum by eliminating roadblocks, building confidence and moving them forward with ease and speed.

Like your coaching calls with Dr. Hayley, these group calls will be recorded with a replay available.

Bonus #3

Our created-by-a-lawyer Legal Templates

Legal templates can cost upwards of a few thousand dollars to get written from scratch by a lawyer - but you’ll get ours for free, and keep your legal backside covered.

These aren’t any old generic legal templates you will find online - they've been created specifically for therapists who need to protect their registration and differentiate between their psych services and online program/s.

Bonus #4

Time saving templates to quickly build your business and online program

Why start from scratch when you can steal our online program templates and save yourself time, energy, overwhelm and money?

We have templates coming out of our wa-zoo, just for you (in fact, they’re the exact templates we use to run our 7-figure biz!)

Bonus #5

Tech tutorials

We know that a lack of tech skills can get in the way of many therapists pursuing their online program dreams, which is why we’ll get you up to speed with our simple-to-follow tutorials, specific to online program creation for therapists. Your tech fears only exist because you currently have a knowledge gap - we’ll help you fill it.

Bonus #6

Protect Your AHPRA Registration masterclass

Learn how to cross all your legal t’s and dot all your ethical i’s as you diversify your practice by creating an online course.

Hosted by me, Dr. Hayley Kelly and David Gardner, the Founder of Gardner Legal and Regulatory (a law firm that specialises in helping Australian Psychologists and Health Professionals navigate AHPRA notifications!)...

This masterclass will teach you the practical steps you need to take, to legally and ethically create and sell an online program as a therapist and keep yourself protected from AHPRA.

(Located outside of Australia? While your country’s professional regulations may differ, there will still be helpful information in this masterclass for you).

Bonus #7

A ‘pop-up’ private Facebook group for connection, cheerleading and question asking

One of the absolute faves of our past students, your private Facebook group, that you’ll have access to for 10 weeks, will become your go-to hub for inspiration, networking, brainstorming and cheerleading.

ALL is welcome in this space - the celebrations and the vulnerable shares -this space is filled with insights, teachings, virtual hugs and happy dances.

This isn’t any stock standard business course run by any old business coach.

Generalist business coaches don’t understand the nuances, ethics, and legalities of creating an online program as a licensed mental health professional.

Which is why many therapists who learn from these generalists, end up with online programs that fail

The Incubator was created by therapists for therapists.


Unsure how to stay in your regulatory body’s good books?


Unclear if and how your duty of care shifts as an online program creator?


Want to know if you can or should share your formal qualifications in your marketing material?


No idea if you can share testimonials on your online program’s sales page?
The Incubator has all your bases covered, therapist.
It’s your time to repackage your therapist toolkit, and work in a way that increases your accessibility, and supports your bank balance, impact, freedom and happiness to expand.

Here’s how we’ll get you there in just 8 weeks, with our proven SUCCESS Path framework.

Module 01

Setting Yourself Up For Success, Baby!

As a fellow therapist, I don’t need to tell you that your mindset and success are inextricably linked.

In this pre-work module you’ll set yourself up for long term success by…

Saying bye to your fear of failure and judgement, and thoughts like ‘WTF, can I actually pull this online program thing off’...

And saying hiiii to a rock solid mindset that is full to the brim with self belief in your abilities, skills and potential.


Module 02

Legal and Ethics 101 for Therapists Turned Online Program Creators

Sweating just reading this? Have no fear - diversifying your clinical practice with an online program, and covering your legal backside is easy…

When you know how.

Plus, I’ll talk you through it in easy-to-understand language minus the legal jargon.

Module 03

The 3 P’s - Your Online Program Participant, Positioning and Pricing

We get down to the nitty-gritty in this module and get you crystal clear on:

  • What you have to offer as an online program creator (trust me - you have plenty to offer!)
  • Who your dream program participant is and what they need and want from you
  • How to price for accessibility and profit
  • My secret for creating a success-guaranteed online program

Module 04

Nail Your Online Program’s Content

You can have the greatest idea for an online program in the world…

But if your content doesn’t deliver, you won’t get the rave reviews you need to succeed.

By the end of this module you’ll be clear on what you need to teach your dream participants, week-by-week, to help them experience profound transformations in their lives.

Module 05

Get Tech Savvy

Tech is a time-saving godsend when it comes to running an online program.

Allergic to tech? Not to worry, I’ll teach you how to choose and use the right tech for you and your needs, confidence and skill level. When it comes to tech, knowledge is power and this module will get you in the know


Module 06

Marketing and Audience Building

Any successful online program needs eyes on it (otherwise, who’ll buy it, right?!). In this module I’ll teach you the ins-and-outs of marketing and audience building success, and how to leverage your therapy experience and ‘people’ skills to connect. 

The best part? I’ll teach you how to do it in a way that feels good for you - so no, you don’t have to talk on your Instagram stories if that’s not your vibe! YAY!

Module 07

Successful (and Non-Sleazy!) Selling

Selling doesn’t have to be sleazy, and by the end of the module you’ll know how to create a sales strategy that fits with your values and supports your success. Think you suck at selling? Surprise: the best salespeople are those who know how to authentically connect with the people they want to serve … and your years in the ‘Therapy Chair’ have made you darn good at this!

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Your 100% risk-free guarantee.

Scared to invest? We get it! That’s why we offer all our students a 100% rise-free guarantee.

If, after attending our live calls and showing us that you’ve done the work you still feel like you haven't gotten the results you wanted, we'll make it right by refunding your investment.

Your investment in your future:

One off payment of just $1997 AUD

✅ 8 weeks of bite-sized pre-recorded video teachings

✅ Workbooks to deepen and apply your learnings

✅ Lifetime access to the modules

✅ Continued support after The Incubator, if you choose

Plus these bonuses!

✅ 8 x weekly Q&A calls with Dr. Hayley Kelly

✅ 8 x weekly mentor calls with a member of our coaching faculty or alumni

Protect Your AHPRA Registration masterclass

A private Facebook group for additional support and collaboration opportunities, that’s open for 10 weeks

✅ Time saving templates (and lots of them!)

✅ Tech tutorials and walkthroughs

✅ Legal Templates created by our resident lawyer


Best value option

One off payment of

$1997 AUD


Most flexible option

3 x monthly payments of

$697 AUD


Pay over time option

6 x monthly payments of

$357 AUD

Check out these Incubator wins! (This could be you, therapist!)
Dermot Nolan
Lisa Johnson
Dr. Nat Green

Unsure if the Incubator is right for you?

Book a pressure-free call!

Until I close The Incubator doors at 11:59pm AEST on Thursday 22nd of August Feb, I (Dr. Hayley Kelly) and some of our therapist mentor team members will be available to chat 1:1 on Zoom!

These calls are for therapists who are curious about The Incubator, but who have outstanding questions or concerns.

Rest assured, these calls are 100% pressure-free and weI will not try to convince you to join The Incubator if it’s not right for you. 

Rather, they’re your opportunity to ask questions and get clarity, so we can see if The Incubator can help you reach your future goals.

Have a question? We have an answer!

We get it. We really do. But short term effort = long term gain, friend and Rome wasn’t built in a day

Yes, you may feel a little stretched for a while, but trust us when we say that your future Self will be so grateful that you took action on your dreams.

The minimum amount of hours you’ll need to invest each week is three - one to tune into the teachings, one to participate in the live Q&A call with Dr. Hayley, one to attend the mentor call.


Yes, you may feel a little stretched for a while, but trust us when we say that your future Self will be so grateful that you took action on your dreams.


The minimum amount of hours you’ll need to invest each week is three - one to tune into the teachings, one to participate in the live Q&A call with Dr. Hayley, one to attend the mentor call.


In saying this, we challenge you to consider how you could create a little extra space in your life over the 8-weeks we’re together

  • Scroll less?
  • Cut back on one clinical client?
  • Ask your partner to support you around the home in new ways?
  • Use a meal delivery service, or batch cook?
  • Hire a cleaner?
  • Workout from home, instead of driving to the gym?
  • Say ‘no’ to overtime?
  • Waking up 30 minutes earlier each day?

There are many options, and creating space in your days now, so you can transform your future, is possible!

ABSOLUTELY it is! The blueprint that Dr. Hayley developed was key to her growing to multi 6-figures in less than 18 months meaning … she knows what works!

If you need support to refine and sell your offering more successfully, then the Incubator is exactly the right program for you. Join us!

We understand and your fear is valid and common, friend.

But ask yourself this - what’s more important?

The opinions of some small-minded people who probably won’t even feature in your future life (because why would you want to hang with judgemental people who look at the world so narrowly and differently from you?!)


The rest of your working years spent doing something you LOVE in a way that excites and inspires you to get out of bed each day AND making money more easily, having a bigger impact and connecting with fellow open-minded humans who are walking a similar path and ready with pom-poms to cheer you forward.

Yup. Option two, thank you!

Please don’t let the opinions and small-mindedness of others keep you stuck in a box you’re ready to outgrow. The world needs you to follow your heart AND you deserve to have a more stable and future-proofed income. 

We’ve created a step-by-step framework that’s been crafted by therapists for Therapists after our many many years of having feet in both the clinical and the entrepreneurial worlds. We know what works! 


But we don’t just tell you what to do, we show you and guide you at every step along the way.

We kick off on the 26th of August, 2024! YAY!


The Incubator is completely digital, which means you can access the student portal and program content from anywhere in the world across any and all of your devices, as long as you have WiFi (you can even stay in your jammies - we don’t judge).

You'll also get 24/7 access to our private community on Facebook for the duration of The Incubator (and 2 weeks after!), so you can ask Dr, Hayley and her team questions, and make steady progress.

Of course - but let us first ask you this: How much longer do you want to wait to create a greater impact, generate more income so you can spend more time with your family while doing the things you love, and/or finally have the business that allows you to work from anywhere so you can travel the world?

You could get the exact framework you need right now to leverage your clinical skills outside of the therapy room, or you can look back a year from now and wish you’d started earlier.

Think of it this way: how much will it cost you if you choose not to invest in yourself and your work today and learn how to get out of the ‘Therapy Chair’ in WAY less time than it would take to figure it out on your own (plus save you a lot of roadblocks and speed bumps along the way!)

Don't let this be the opportunity you regret missing out on. You already know the only thing in life to truly be afraid of is being in the exact same place one year from now as you are today. Your business deserves better, the people you are destined to help deserve better, and so do you.

Hell-to-the-YES! All you need is curiosity and passion - we’ll help you figure out the rest!

Yes, you'll get direct access to Hayley during the weekly Q&A calls!

Sure, you could work it out on your own through lots of trial-and-error, just like Hayley did - she literally spent years (and way too much money!) trying to figure out the recipe for a successful online program, all while simultaneously trying to stay in her regulatory body’s good books.

OR you could take the shortcut with our proven step-by-step framework and that quickly supports you to make money and have a bigger impact on the world PLUS get support along the way.

You choose!

How does lifetime access sound?

After enrolling in The Incubator, you’ll get full and unlimited access to the program content and bonuses for the life of the program (with the exception of the private Facebook group and the live call recordings that will close two weeks after we wrap up our time together).

The beauty of The Incubator is that it’s the gift that keeps on giving - every time you have a new idea for an online program, you can use the framework to create and sell it again and again.

We’d never want you to be unhappy! If you work through all the modules, attend the live Q&A and mentoring calls, complete the worksheets/activities, and implement the steps in the program and are still not satisfied with your results, we’ll refund your full payment within 30 days.

The Incubator won't run again until 2025.


While I’m in full respect of you honouring and being mindful of your budget, an online program has the potential to create a generous new income stream once it’s set up and running.


For context and while it’s not every therapist’s experience, the first time I launched The Incubator I made $14,000 (and it now makes me 6-figures every launch).


Would my answer be different if The Incubator was a bigger investment than $1997 and therefore a bigger risk? Yes. But I truly believe, and have seen time and again, that $1997 is an amount that you will easefully recoup in time.


Plus, there’s a 3-month payment plan option. 

The calls with me will be held on Tuesdays, and your mentor calls will be held on Thursdays (AEST)


The call times change each week to cater to different therapists in different time zones but rest assured there will be replays that you can catch up on.


Secure one of the limited seats in The Incubator and join us for a one off payment of just $1997 AUD or using our flexi payment plan.

Class begins on the 26th of August, 2024!

Still have questions you want answered before enrolling?

Jump on a quick call with us here so we can help you make the right decision for you

(Alternatively, you can email us at and we’ll get back to you ASAP!)

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What do you choose for your future, therapist?

If you’re ready to spend less time in the ‘Therapy Chair’ and create a more stable and generous income, impact more lives, and have more freedom in your work days than ever before, The Incubator can get you there.

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