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The Therapists Rising Incubator Lite…

The self-paced business coaching and mentorship program

Interested in getting the training, but can’t yet commit to the Live coaching and mentoring?

Then the INCUBATOR LITE is perfect

This version of our signature 6 month program is for Therapists and Health Professionals who want to:
  • Move towards entrepreneurship (either part time or full time) using the skills and wisdom they already have
  • Create a successful online offer, like a group program (or make people fall in love with and invest in one they already have!), 
  • Increase their income and impact
  • Connect with like-minded Therapists and Health Professionals who too, aspire to work and live differently
  • Fill their lives with more time, freedom and flexibility.


We do this through a proven RISE Blueprint.


Whether you’re currently a Psychologist, Social Worker, or any kind of Therapist or Health Professional in between...


And whether you want to start or grow a part or full-time non-clinical business running a group program, hosting a podcast, writing a book, running retreats, facilitating women's/men's circles or creating passive revenue streams (or whatever you feel creatively called to bring to life!)...


The Therapists Rising Incubator Lite is for YOU!

Class of 2023 begins on March 6th, 2023

We’ve done all the hard work for you! All you need to do is follow along and weave your unique skills, experience, personality traits and future visions into our flexible proven formula …

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If you’re ready to claim your wildest dream for the future of your career, and say a huge “Y-E-S!” to:

  • Having an uncapped income
  • Working less hours
  • Feeling deeply in love with, and being inspired by, your work 
  • Have lots of white space in your professional and personal calendars
  • Thinking outside the box and finding exciting ways to support your clients
  • Having the freedom to do what you want, when you want (holidays anyone?!)
  • Serving more people and having an even bigger impact in the world


… then you are in the perfect place.

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(drumroll please)

The Therapists Rising

Incubator Lite

All the step-by-step training that will take you from over-regulated and underpaid Therapist/Health Professional to joy-filled and abundant Therapreneur who loves what s/he does!

Hi! I’m your guide,

Dr. Hayley Kelly!

I’m an ex burnt out and unfulfilled Clinical Psychologist (with a PhD and a Masters) who practiced for 12 years…

Turned happier-than-ever successful Professional Business and Life Coach who now lives her dream supporting Entrepreneurial Therapists build aligned, impactful and successful businesses.


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Why do I do this work, and more importantly, why trust me?

Because I’ve been at the exact same crossroads you find yourself at right now…
  • Exhausted, over it and p*ssed off at the restrictive industry norms and requirements you’re forced to work within and adhere to
  • Unable to find enough time and energy in the day to devote yourself fully to the things you love outside of work (both activities and humans!)
  • Not feeling 100% inspired by your work
  • Only making financial ends meet, and not earning as much money as you desire and deserve
  • Not being able to help as many people as you want (there’s only so many hours in the day to serve people 1:1 after all!)

I made the exciting move from ‘Therapy Chair’ to Entrepreneur a number of years ago, and haven’t looked back since…


Making this career transition has had a phenomenal impact on ALL areas of my life (financially, mentally, emotionally, relationally - you name it!) and completely shifted how I experience and journey through my days. 


Not only am I more successful in my career, I’m happier and more fulfilled than ever. And that, I’ve learned, is the most important thing we humans can strive for.


I’m so passionate about this path that it’s become my life’s goal to support other budding Entrepreneurial Therapists to do the same.

I see you, I believe in your big and beautiful vision, and I can’t wait to help you make your dream
your reality.

Here’s what’s included in the Incubator:

In this lite version you get the pre-recorded training lessons that break down my tried-and-tested formula into easy-to-follow steps that will lay the foundations for your non-clinical business and offerings to succeed.

Every Monday, you will get access to a training video. These weekly teachings, with practical action steps, use our R.I.S.E Blueprint that will lay strong foundations for your business and offerings


Each of these trainings are short but potent and include actionable steps that can be implemented immediately, so you can start making moves and earning some moolah!

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Phase 1: Radical Reimagining

Lay the foundations for your business and set yourself up for success

This phase is devoted to crystallizing your vision and mission and getting clear on your business and career goals, so you can take action that is considered and moves you from where you are, to where you aspire to be, in an aligned way.


Just like a house requires a slab before it can be built, your business and offerings require the same. In fact, laying these foundations will save you a whole lot of time, energy, money and tears in the long run.


Your success will only grow to the heights your mindset will allow, so we’ll also deep dive into the mechanics of your mind, say ‘buh-bye’ to your limiting beliefs and rewire your neural pathways for goal kicking and abundance.


Friends who have already started bringing their business and offering/s to life - please note that this phase will still be relevant and incredibly supportive for you. Together we will look at the foundations you’ve already laid with fresh eyes and tweak, refine, and set you up for greater heights of success. The same applies for all phases of our journey together!

Phase 2: Initiate

Bring your brand to life, and legally safeguard yourself and your business!

It’s go time, baby! From here on in your business really begins to take shape and come to life!


During this phase we will:


  • Ensure that you cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s of your professional registration body as you transition in your work
  • Begin bringing your brand to life (*squeal!*) 
  • Get crystal clear on your niche and who you want to serve
  • Engage in some market research, so we can make sure that anything you bring to life is needed, wanted and hits the nail on the head and heart of your dream client
  • Get the BETA testing ball rolling (with a product you can potentially begin monetising right away! YAY!)


What some people spend years doing, we’ll do in just a couple of months. Sound like a lot? Don’t worry, friend - when you know the steps and proven path and have us standing by your side shaking our cheerleading pom-poms and answering all your questions, this phase will feel like a breeze.

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Phase 3: (be) Seen

Market yourself and get visible

Knowing how to market yourself and your offerings are crucial to your business’ success.


During this phase we’ll get all your marketing bases covered (creating a marketing plan, building an email list, bringing an awesome ‘sign-me-up-right-now’ opt-in to life, getting seen on socials, and so much more!) and have you feeling confident to put yourself out there and share your great work with the world, so you can be of service and change lives! 

Phase 4: Expand

Create demand and sell your offer

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, our Incubator won’t just help you create an offering … it will ensure your long term success as we dive deep into launch strategies and runways, systems and selling (of the potent authentic and heart-led type, not the icky sleazy type!)


We won’t just transform you into a business owner - we’ll wave our magic wand and make you an Entrepreneur! One who has a head full of knowledge, toolkit full of strategies, and heart full of creative inspo!

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PLUS, everyone who signs up to The Incubator gets these EPIC free bonuses:
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Editable and easy-to-follow copy templates to help you build your business and community

Every successful business relies on strategic copy, which is why you’ll receive templates that will help you create impactful copy that converts, saving you hours upon hours of time and thousands of dollars investing in your own copywriter. 


You will get access to templates for your websites:


  • Home page
  • About page
  • 1:1 services page
  • Sales page (so you can get your 1:many offering seen and sold).


You’ll also receive helpful outlines to help you create your:


  • Nurture email sequences (to build relationships and trust)
  • Sales email sequences (to help you sell with ease and zero sleaze!)


AND a workbook to support you to refine your brand message and brand voice, so you can make sure that what you’re writing is on point and that your dream clients will ‘hear’ you and connect with you.


Not sure with any of this means? With our support, you will soon! *wink*

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Editable and customizable legal templates to cover you, your business, your clients, and your license!

We have spent HOURS (and quite a few dollars) working with our expert lawyer creating templates of all the documents you will need to get your business going. When you join the Incubator, you will receive immediate access to legal templates including:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Waiver and Release Form
  • Terms, Conditions & Consent Form
  • Participant Information Sheet
  • AND…. a handy checklist for advertising compliance!

This bonus alone will save you hundreds or potentially thousands of dollars in hefty lawyers fees!

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Free access to our popular pre-recorded webinar, ‘Protect your AHPRA registration as you diversify your practice as a Health Professional’

A 90 minute pre-recorded webinar in which you’ll learn the ethical and legal considerations Health Professionals need to be aware of, and practical steps they need to take, when they repackage their clinical skills into non-clinical offerings, and diversify their practice and income.

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Free access to our popular pre-recorded webinar, ‘Protect your AHPRA registration as you diversify your practice as a Health Professional’

A 90 minute pre-recorded webinar in which you’ll learn the ethical and legal considerations Health Professionals need to be aware of, and practical steps they need to take, when they repackage their clinical skills into non-clinical offerings, and diversify their practice and income.

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A whole crap-tonne (that’s a metric crap-tonne of course) of premade Canva templates for you to customize and use in your social media, marketing, courses, emails and launches!
A whole crap-tonne (that’s a metric crap-tonne of course) of premade Canva templates for you to customize and use in your social media, marketing, courses, emails and launches!

I could spend hours, days, hell, maybe even weeks in Canva. I looooooove falling down the Canva rabbit hole….my business manager, husband and kids, don't seem to share the same appreciation for it that I do *sigh*

And because I know, as much as we would love to spend all of our days (and nights) creating Canva beauty, this isn’t the best use of our time. That’s why our gorgeous team member Ally (hi Ally!) has spent hours creating customizable Canva templates that you can use to effortlessly create content, with your branding, your pictures, your way.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll get:

  • Social media tiles
  • Course Workbook templates
  • Course Templates
  • Promo and Launch templates
  • Pinterest Templates
  • and MORE!
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This isn’t any stock standard
business course!

Our Incubator Lite is run BY Therapists FOR Therapists who want to step into the non-clinical world and call in more alignment, joy, freedom, impact and abundance. We understand your unique fears, needs and hurdles … 

… and we’ve got your back!

The Therapists Rising Incubator Lite
is for you if …

  • You’re a Therapist or Health Professional who wants to stop slogging it out in the clinical sphere and be your own boss, make your own rules, set your own prices, and exponentially expand your impact in the world without having to turn your whole life and career on its head and work more hours


  • OR if you’ve already started transitioning out of the ‘Therapy Chair’, but your business isn’t growing as well or quickly as you’d like and/or your offering is sitting collecting virtual dust (don’t you worry, we’ll get things in tip-top shape in no time!)


  • You want to be handed a proven-to-work pathway that has lots of space to infuse YOU into it (because cookie-cutter is so beige) - so you can create a business and offering/s that light you up and are an extension of your unique personality, interests and dreams


  • You’re a creative at heart and want to combine your creativity with your skills and experience and bring in some passive income


  • You’re ready to take responsibility for the future of your career and put in the time and effort required to lay the foundation for your future success, financial abundance, joy and fulfillment


  • You want to walk away from our time together with an actual business and offering up, running, getting seen by your dream clients and making you money!

If you’re still with us reading this, then we know there’s something in your heart urging you forward (YAY!)

Let’s explore your options…

Therapists Rising:


The Incubator Lite

Incubator VIP

Incubator VIP

  • Weekly teaching video. Step-by-step directions and action-taking exercises that will lay strong foundations for your business and offerings ($3997 value)




  • Weekly live group coaching calls for personalized support and momentum building ($14,440 value)



  • Incubator Community Access to the Incubator Community in our private Facebook group (priceless



  • 2-Day in-person Retreat
    A golden ticket to our in-person 2-day business retreat in Sydney, led by Dr Hayley Kelly ($1497 value)



  • Bonus 1:
    Copy templates ($3000 value)




  • Bonus 2: Legal templates to protect your business and get you going sooner ($1500 value)




  • Bonus 3: ‘Protect your AHPRA registration as you diversify your practice as a Health Professional’ webinar  ($97 value)




  • Bonus 4: Customizable Canva templates for your entire business ($350 value and countless hours saved!)




    Transformational 1:1 coaching calls with our rounder Dr. Hayley Kelly (6 calls in total)


    1:1 copy feedback and support from an experienced Copywriter ($500 value)


  • VIP ONLYWeekly Voxer coaching support with Dr Hayley.


Investment - 12 Month - Payment Plan

12 monthly payments of

$437 AUD

12 monthly payments of

$850 AUD

Investment - Payment Plan

6 monthly payments of

$397 AUD

6 monthly payments of

$837 AUD

6 monthly payments of

$1697 AUD

Investment - Pay in Full now and save

$1997 AUD

$3997 AUD

$8997 AUD

*Prices are including GST

Registration for the Incubator Lite closes in:

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The reviews and results of our clients speak for themselves but we get that you might have doubts (hellooooo imposter syndrome!) and, if you're like most, we know you've probably wasted money on courses and coaching programs that didn't deliver what you hoped.

That's why we have a 100% Risk-Free Guarantee.

If after attending our live calls, doing the work and showing us you did it, you still feel like you haven't gotten the results you wanted, we'll make it right by refunding your investment!

Why would I do this? Because you shouldn’t have to pay for something that doesn’t work and we’re so convinced of how effective our framework is that we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

That’s how much we believe in this training! 

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Friend, you’re currently standing at a fork in the road and right here, right now, is your chance to decide what your future looks and feels like.

Are you ready to create a non-clinical business and offering that supports you to:

Arrow 01 down

Work from wherever, whenever, doing something you love?

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Earn more money, all while working less and in a more nourishing way?

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Support only your most dreamy clients?

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Have a rich and fulfilling life outside of your work (hello: more family time, creative pursuits and freedom!)?

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Have an ever greater and more profound impact on the world?

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Then now is the time to say “YES!” to your dreams and start bringing your future vision to life, today!

Your future begins on the 6th of March, 2023

Are you in?!

Just in case we’ve missed anything, here are some more of the

most commonly asked questions

We have created a step-by-step system that has been crafted by Therapists, for Therapists after our many many years of having feet in both the clinical and the entrepreneurial worlds. We know what works! But we don’t just tell you what to do, we show you. Just like Lego© provides you with a step-by-step instruction manual for each of its models, you’ll get the same. So you’re going to get the experience of producing real results for yourself, while staying true to your personal and professional ethics!

We kick off on March 6, 2023.


The Incubator group coaching experience is completely digital, which means you can access the student portal and program content from anywhere in the world across any and all of your devices, as long as you have WiFi (you can even stay in your jammies — we don’t judge). 


You'll also get 24/7 access to our private community on Facebook where you can ask your questions and get quick answers from Hayley and her team of Coaches so you can make steady forward progress.

Of course - but let us first ask you this: How much longer do you want to wait to create a greater impact, generate more income so you can spend more time with your family while doing the things you love, or finally have the business that allows you to work from anywhere so you can travel the world? 


You could get the exact system and framework you need right now to create, launch, and leverage your clinical skills outside of the therapy room, or you can look back a year from now and wish you would've started today.


Think of it this way: how much will it cost you if you choose not to invest in your business today and learn how to get out of the ‘Therapy Chair’ in less than half the time it would take to figure it out on your own?


Don't let this be the opportunity you regret missing out on. You already know the only thing in life to truly be afraid of is being in the exact same place one year from now as you are today. Your business deserves better, the people you are destined to help deserve better, and so do you.

Hell-to-the-YES! If you think you need to have your whole business mapped out and ready before you start, then you are going about it all BACKWARDS. Even if you’re new to the world of entrepreneurship, and don’t yet have a clear idea for how you are going to diversify, this is 100% for you! Module 1 will help you get clarity, which you will continue to refine over the course of the program.

Unfortunately not as an Incubator Lite student.

Sure, you could figure anything out on your own through lots of trial-and-error, just like Hayley did - she literally spent years (and way too much cashola!) trying to figure out how to launch non-clinical offers that didn’t get her in trouble with the board. 


Or you could take the shortcut with this revolutionary approach to create, launch, and leverage your clinical skills into non-clinical offers so you can build instant momentum, make money, and, most importantly, make a bigger impact on the world.


Simply put, you cannot get this framework anywhere else.


Most Therapist Business Coaches focus solely on building private practice as your ticket to freedom, and most business courses teach you bits and bobs of our system, and none of them take into account that a lot of the stuff they sprout, we can’t do because we are Therapists (and we would get in trouble!). This program includes the exact tools, templates, and launch strategies that we have used to successfully step outside the therapy office.

How does lifetime access sound?


After enrolling, you’ll get full and unlimited access to the program content and bonuses for the life of the program across any and all devices you own — including priority access to any and all future program updates and/or bonus content, and you can attend all future live coaching calls (until you get sick of us!). The beauty of this program is that it’s the gift that keeps on giving - every time you have a new idea for a program/product/or offer, you can use the framework to launch again and again with success and ease!


On top of this, we’ve extended the length of the Incubator, but kept the content the same - meaning that you have more time to absorb and implement the teachings!

We’d never want you to be unhappy! If you follow all of the modules, attend the live coaching calls, complete the worksheets/activities, and implement the steps in the program and are still not satisfied with your results, we will refund your full payment within 30 days as long as you fulfill the following qualifications:


1) Submit your completed action items and assessments to us to review at


2) Show us how you've applied the framework to your business


3) Share why you're not satisfied.