One year. 30 hand-selected therapist entrepreneurs. Your success skyrocketed.
The Collective is an application only 12 month mastermind for visionary Therapists
who want to take their online program to the next level, and create an impactful and sustainable business and lifestyle they love.
You’ve kicked some incredible goals in The Incubator. Goals you likely didn’t even think you were capable of when you started your journey (am I right, or am I right?!)
✔ Think of everything you’ve learned
✔ The connections and networks you’ve made
✔ The audience you’ve cultivated
✔ The thoughts and beliefs you’ve reprogrammed
✔ The clarity you’ve received
✔ The online program you’ve created
✔ The lives you’ve impacted
✔ The money you’ve made (or created potential to make!)
✔ The personal growth you’ve experienced.
You. Are. Amazing. And I’m happy to be the bearer of great news … from here on in, it just gets better, baby!
One of the greatest gifts of online programs? Their potential for growth is limitless!
Whether you want to hit six or seven figures, leave the ‘Therapy Chair’ forevermore, cultivate a perfect-for-you work life balance, work from anywhere in the world, [insert your dream here] - an online program can get you there.
Thanks to your hard work during the Incubator your foundations are laid, and you know you’re onto a winner with your online program. Now it’s your time to step into your next level of impact, potential and profit.
The Collective will support you to further embody your identity as a thought leader, disruptor, change maker and successful business owner.
While the growth potential of ourselves and our online programs and businesses is limitless, each level of expansion requires up-levelled knowledge skills and beliefs…
Which is why the Collective exists.
Because you don’t have to do it alone and in fact, trying to do so will cost you more time, energy and money … and maybe even your sanity, haha.
Introducing the Collective…
Who’s it for?
Incubator graduates who have run a successful BETA, or subsequent round, of an online program they want to scale.
What constitutes a ‘successful’ BETA or online program?
It means that you have:
- Run an online program with at least three participants in it
- Run it in its entirety
- Have a desire to refine, improve, and scale it to the moon (while honouring your unique sustainability path).
Is that you?
What is the Collective, exactly?
The Collective is a 12 month intimate mastermind experience that will change your life, your business, and your legacy.
And when I say intimate, I mean intimate. It’s only open to 30 therapist entrepreneurs for the whole year so you get lots of attention and personalised support!
This is not just a business mastermind - it’s a mastermind that will shift everything in your world. It will support you to step more fully into your mission and vision and do the work you were put here to do (on an even grander scale!). The ripple effects of your actions will be sent out into the world far and wide.
What does the Collective stand for?
We believe in the power of leveraging your therapy skills to create online programs, and the freedom of building a business on your own terms. We are advocates for putting life first, crafting a business that supports your lifestyle and contributes to your overall happiness.
We're not just here to help you scale; we're here to disrupt and revolutionise the mental health industry from the inside out. We're challenging the status quo, pushing boundaries, and pioneering new ways of delivering mental health services.
The Collective is a transformative journey, providing you with advanced strategies, tools, and a supportive community. As industry leaders, we're here to guide, mentor, and celebrate your successes with you.
Join us, and let's make your dreams a reality. Here at the Collective, we don't just believe in the power of possibility - we live it.
What’s included in your Collective journey?
Some pretty epic inclusions, that’s what! Take a peek…

2024 strategic visioning two day workshop
Valued at $6,000
We’ll set your 2024 up for success from the get-go with a two day virtual planning retreat!
Pack your snacks and make yourself a bulk supply of tea, as we get you crystal clear on what you’re working on and moving towards for the year and the exact action steps you need to make your goals and visions your reality.
This workshop is your opportunity to dream big and set yourself the kind of big and audacious goals that will make your future self proud.
All successful business owners have an annual strategy and if you want to reach the levels of success that I know you aspire to, then you need one too.
No more flying by the seat of your pants, no more guessing and no more making it up as you go - it’s time to put your CEO pants on and this is your first step.
Live monthly group coaching calls
Valued at $6,000
10 group calls, with hot seat opportunities, tailored to yours and the group’s individual needs.
Having journeyed through the Incubator, I know I don’t need to tell you how transformational these calls are, and how big the breakthroughs can be.
The options for our time together are endless - audience building, lead gen, marketing and sales, systems, copywriting, content creation, ads, hiring, firing, busting through self limiting beliefs (because new levels bring new BS beliefs, friend!) - wherever your business and online program need us to go, so they can grow, we will.
February to November

Two luxe in-person retreats
Valued at $20,000
Yes, you read that correctly!
For 3 whole days, twice in 2024, the team and I will whisk you away somewhere beautiful and wine (optional), dine and up-level you.
The extra amazing news? They’re free - all you have to do is get yourself there and pay for your non retreat related costs. The rest is taken care of!
While the locations are yet TBA, you can guarantee that these luxurious retreats will support you to step into a higher level of mastery in your business, access your full potential as a thought-leader and change-maker, and nourish and evolve you personally!
While we’re not going to spill all the details and ruin the fun, you can expect to experience things like:
- Deep inner work, supported by practices like breathwork, ice bathing, emotional freedom technique and embodiment
- Hot seat coaching sessions
- Advanced business development workshops
- Business review, strategy and planning sessions
- Nourishing chef made meals (and a few sneaky cocktails or mocktails!)
- Time connecting with nature
- Cultural experiences
- Solo time for contemplation, recalibration and dreaming.
Retreats of this calibre would cost up to $10,000 outside of the Collective, so the value you will get out of them, in and of themselves, is outstanding!
Dates and locations TBA.
Quarterly growth strategy and planning workshops
Valued at $8,000
One thing all successful entrepreneurs have in common is that they invest time and energy into strategy and planning. They know their numbers, and what’s working and what’s not working - and they take informed action forward that supports their success.
Many therapist entrepreneurs don’t love strategy and planning, and will avoid it at all costs - which is why, each quarter, we’ll walk alongside you as you review your numbers and set a vision for your next 90 days.
Not only will I teach you everything we know, I’ll also provide you with personalised feedback and coaching, so you can set expansive revenue goals and create a potent plan to move you in the direction of your goals … of course in a way that honours your health, happiness and wellbeing.
March, June, September and December

Quarterly full day advanced business trainings
Valued at $10,000
Four full days to dive deep into all things business growth. If you’re anything like me, there’s nothing more exciting - haha.
These sessions will evolve you from a therapist entrepreneur, to a 6 /7 figure CEO, who is strategic and skilled - in turn growing your online program’s success and your income and impact.
The topics for these full day trainings differ from year to year and are dependent on the needs of the group. Examples of topics include:
- Building and managing your dream team
- Automating and systematising your processes
- Advanced marketing strategies
- Maximising productivity without burnout
- Scaling your online program
- Financial planning and ensuring stability as you scale
- Leveraging partnerships and collaborations for business growth
Our options are endless!
February, May, August and November
12 months access
12 months Access community of fellow therapists who are scaling and kicking audacious and juicy goals.
If you thought the Incubator community was supportive and expansive, wait until you join the Collective community!
Because the Collective is a more intimately sized group, filled with visionary leaders who are all devoted to up-levelling - the group dynamic is second to none.
I don’t need to tell you how important community is when you’re stepping outside the box and doing things differently. These like-minded humans will be your cheerleaders and collaborators for life!

exclusive opportunity
AND *drumroll please!* … an opportunity to become part of our mentor team, which is an exclusive opportunity offered to Collective members only!
Have you ever looked to the incredible Coach Emma and thought, “I’d LOVE to have a role like hers at Therapists Rising!” Well, now you can!
We have big plans to support even more therapists even more intensively over the coming years, and our mentor team will be leading the way!
And as I said above, being a part of the Collective community is the only path to this role so if you want in, come and join us!

1:1 VIP Sessions Limited Quantity
11 Monthly one on one sessions with Dr. Hayley. This is a strictly limited offer. One on one sessions will only be available to two Collective Members in 2024.

No matter your goals, The Collective
can support you!
- Expand your marketing and sales skill set
- Scale your online program
- Create a new online program, or other profitable offering
- Find, onboard and train staff members who are skilled in areas outside your zone of genius
- Increase your visibility and build your audience
- Take your income to its next level
- Expand your network and build new connections with other industry leaders
- Speak on stage
- Evolve beyond the ‘Therapy Chair’ full time
- [Insert your own goal here!]
FACT: I would not be where I am today without the mastermind groups I’ve been a part of, and continue to be a part of.
The mentors who have saved me years of trial and error, and so generously imparted their wisdom with me.
The expanders in the communities who inspired and stretched me beyond what I thought was possible for myself, my work, my life and my impact.
The accountability that’s kept me on track and in action, even when times have been tough and I’ve wanted to retreat back to what’s familiar.
And the community that’s reminded that being an outside-the-box industry black sheep, is something to celebrate, not shun.
Yes, masterminds are an investment, and yes, some rare superhumans can grow their businesses to the levels they dream of without one…
But I can assure you that the Collective will get you there quicker and that you’ll have a whole lot more fun and feel a whole lot more supported along the way.
Not convinced? Let me ask you this…
If you hadn’t joined the Incubator, do you think you’d have gotten to where you are today in as short a time?
Yep, I’ll (lovingly) leave it at that.
Here’s a recap of all the transformational goodies you get when you join The Collective:
Therapists Rising:
The Collective Mastermind
Collective Mastermind Alumni
Collective Mastermind 1:1
Sold Out
- 2024 Strategic Visioning Workshop. A virtual 2 day planning retreat to set your goals for 2024
- Live Monthly group coaching calls. (I know I don’t need to tell you how transformational they are!)
- Two 3-day luxe in-person Collective Retreats
- Quarterly Growth Strategy & Planning Workshops. To help you look at your numbers, and review what’s working and what’s not)
- Quarterly Full day Advanced Business Trainings
- 12 months Access community of fellow therapists who are scaling and kicking audacious and juicy goals
- An opportunity to become part of our mentor team, which is an exclusive opportunity offered to Collective members only!
an initial payment of $1997
Followed by
9 monthly payments of
Sold Out
Allow me to answer your questions...
I feel drawn to the Collective but haven't gotten through all of my Incubator to-do’s yet?
If you feel drawn to the Collective, then I suggest diving in. Waiting until you’ve worked your way through everything in the Incubator could take you many years (we designed it to be jam-packed and super practical!)
If you’ve already run a successful round (or BETA) of your online program I suggested getting your butt in the Collective and surrounding yourself with therapist entrepreneurs who too are at that stage, and beyond, of their journey.
As you would have learned through the Incubator, who you surround yourself with matters so come and surround yourself with some epic expanders (not that Incabatees aren’t expanders, but the Collective is smaller and more targeted).
PLUS, Collective membership gives you re-access to the Incubator, so anything you missed, you can revisit!
Does my online program need to be generating a certain amount of money?
No, you just need to have run at least one round of your program, and have had at least 3 people participate.
If there’s only 30 spots in the Collective, does this mean that some people may not get in?
That’s correct, and while I understand that this may be disappointing for some people, I think it’s important to (1) provide people with the exact support they need at particular stages of their journeys and (2) protect the integrity of the collective, and the experiences of participants, by ensuring that everyone is at the same point in their journey.
Plus, the Collective opens every year, so if you don’t get in this round, you can put in the work that’s needed to get you there in 2025!
What’s involved in the application process?
We’ve kept the application process easy-peasy for Incubator graduates - all you need to do is complete a short online form. If we have additional questions we need answered, we will be in touch!
Do I get access to Hayley?
Yes, in fact, the Collective will be the way to have the most intimate access to me, Hayley. In saying that, in a bid to break the rules and create the perfect business and life for me, I’ll only be offering 1:1’s to two Collective masterminders. So if you want intensive 1:1 support then you’d better be quick.
In saying this, for the foreseeable future I envision that I will lead all the monthly group coaching sessions in the Collective.
(Note that at the time of writing this, these intensive 1:1 spots had already been claimed - meaning that it is sold out)
Will replays be sent out if I can’t make the group coaching calls?
Absolutely, and you can of course submit questions in your absence too
When will the dates and locations of the retreats be shared?
We’ll let you know ASAP to ensure you have enough time to plan.
Are there extra expenses associated with the in-person retreats?
You will only have to pay for your flights, accommodation and a few meals, we’ll cover the rest!
How many hours a week investment does the Collective require of me?
The Collective is for therapist entrepreneurs who are willing to create the time to work on their businesses and online programs. While this doesn’t mean you need to be in this part of your business full time, at least 5 hours a week is necessary.
While there may not be any formal meetings each week, it’s still expected that Collective masterminders will be showing up to, and working on, their businesses.
I want to scale, but in my right way (aka not to 7-figures). Is the Collective still right for me?
Absolutely it is! I certainly don’t believe in or teach one size fits all, and can help you grow your business and online program, your way.
I’m not quite ready for the Collective yet. What should I do instead?
That’s totally okay! Firstly, I’d invite you to check in with yourself - are you actually not ready? Or are your self limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome leading you to believe you’re not ready?
If it truly is a case of wrong timing then I suggest sticking with the Incubator teachings and consistently keep doing what you’re doing. Hopefully we’ll see you in 2025!
Important dates:
Sunday 10 December
The Collective doors open
The Collective doors close until 2025

The investment
(Fun fact: The Collective gets cheaper to participate in each year because renewing members get a huge $1,000 discount for every consecutive year they renew! This could be you in 2025!)
Collective Mastermind
Deposit: $1997
11 Monthly payments of $1,600
Where do you want to be,
at the end of 2024?
While I wholeheartedly believe in celebrating your progress, I also invite you to simultaneously dream about what’s next for you, your online program and your business.
You are the author of your future and, as I hope you learned this year, even dreams that feel far-fetched and out of reach can be written into your storyline and become a part of your reality.
I loved your presence in the Incubator and would be over the moon to walk with you into your next up-levelling, and help you bring the next chapter of your future vision to life.
Remember, there’s only 30 spots available in the Collective for the whole of 2024, a number of which have already been snapped up by this year’s Collective members.
Have questions? I’m always here for you. Simply email me at hayley@therapistsrising.com and I’ll get back to you ASAP.