The Therapists Rising team and I are celebrating you for saying YES to your wildest non-clinical career dreams. Your work and personal life will never look or feel the same again (in the best kind of way!)

Thank you for trusting us to guide you on this journey. Buckle up, because you’re about to go on a game-changing ride of a lifetime.

We’ll be in touch with lots more information in time, but here’s what you need to know for now…

Your Student Portal

All the videos of our modules, your bonus content and course resources will be uploaded into a student portal to which you’ll have private access to.


You will be granted access to the student portal soon SO keep an eye out for an email with your login details.

Your Launch Bonuses

All launch bonuses will be uploaded into your student portal and will be available when you first login.

Official Incubator Start Date

The Incubator will officially kick off on Monday 6 March (or 5nd of March for those in the USA/UK/CA) , and will journey together for 9 whole months from there (YAY!)


On that date, week 1’s content will be uploaded into your student portal, along with your workbook. 


New content will be available in your portal each Monday from that point onwards.


If you’re a VIP (welcome!) ⭐️ we’ll be in touch with you privately, in time, about your special VIP bonuses!

If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at 

We’re here and are ready and raring to support you!


Dr. Hayley and the Therapists Rising team. X